
The Illogic of the Discrimination Police

Indiana’s Religious Freedom and Restoration Act has received an unprecedented amount of criticism recently—from political philosophy heavyweights such as Miley Cyrus and MC Hammer to the omniscient and omnipresent Facebook troll. I’ve been wanting to write about this topic for a while but it has been extremely difficult to wrap my head around people who […]

Borat Eeez Good … But Not So Good

Borat will make you laugh, but it will also make you feel like taking a shower.   It’s one of the funniest movies since Happy Gilmore and probably more comically revolutionary than any Mel Brooks movie, but the bright side is seriously tarnished by seedy, dirty, and childish scenes and by the director’s politics, which […]

Who’s Native?

I recently filled out an application for a public organization and was blown away by one of the first questions. I was shocked at how illogical and inconsistent the options were for this question and was tempted not to answer or to answer it in such a way that would confuse the writers more than […]