Which Online Advertising Vehicle Sells More Books?

By most accounts, my latest novel, a spiritual fiction entitled Now and at the Hour of Our Death is pretty good. It has an average of over 4.2 stars out of 5 on Amazon and Goodreads and I’ve received some wonderful reviews (by several people who aren’t my mom!). But sales have been sparse, at […]

“Now and at the Hour of Our Death” on Audio!

I’m excited to announce that “Now and at the Hour of Our Death” is now available on audio format at Amazon, Audible, and iTunes! We were grateful to have the very talented Mim Drew narrate the book. Her voice and range of characterization was perfect and we couldn’t be happier. I’m sure you’re going to […]


Paradoxes and the Purpose of Lent

I know paradoxes are compelling and provocative and mystical and all that good stuff, but I’m not a big fan. Sure, they’re not contradictions in that they are impossible and make no sense, but they are seeming contradictions, and they often have the effect of cheap Eastern theological thrills playing on the problem-solving region of […]


Why Would Anyone Ever Get a Dog?

She got the call while we were out Christmas shopping. It was the some of the worst news she had ever received: while staying at an animal boarding house, her little four-pound Yorkie, Mico, was attacked by a much bigger dog and was killed. Absolutely devastating. Unbelievable. So mercilessly tragic. It was heartbreaking for me […]

Virgin Pregnancies Not So Rare?

In my novel Now and at the Hour of Our Death, I explore what it would be like if a young ardent virgin found out that she was pregnant. What if a miracle of biblical proportions happened in today’s skeptical world? Obviously, society would scoff at the scientific impossibility. Virgins don’t get pregnant. Or do […]

Rand Paul on Board With American Charter Cities

I’m always dismayed when people try to pass the civic debacle known as Detroit off as a libertarian city as this sorely misguided news anchor has: As I wrote back in July, a failed government does not equate to a lack of government. Failed tyranny doesn’t equate to autarchy. Detroit isn’t a libertarian city, but […]

Pope Francis is Right to Criticize the World Economy, but He’s Wrong in Calling it a Free Market

Pope Francis has just released an apostolic exhortation entitled Evangelii Gaudium, which ostensibly describes the joy of the Gospel. He makes some excellent points about the pitiful state of society and the lack of faith throughout the world, which has led and will lead to further ruin. He makes some controversial statements, however, about the […]

Borat Eeez Good … But Not So Good

Borat will make you laugh, but it will also make you feel like taking a shower.   It’s one of the funniest movies since Happy Gilmore and probably more comically revolutionary than any Mel Brooks movie, but the bright side is seriously tarnished by seedy, dirty, and childish scenes and by the director’s politics, which […]