
New Space-Themed Music

I’ve been dropping some really space-themed music for Whacktus recently in serial single format. I hope you enjoy! Neptunian is a fun synthpop jam with an Edgar Rice Burrows theme: Gamma Ray is a fun electroclash dance pop jam about the modern world and UFOs: Lightspeed is an airy synthpop interstellar love song:


Song Lyrics In MidJourney AI

The Beatles – Yesterday Yesterday All my troubles seemed so far away Now it looks as though they’re here to stay Oh, I believe in yesterday Suddenly I’m not half the man I used to be There’s a shadow hanging over me Oh, yesterday came suddenlyWhy she had to go I don’t know, she wouldn’t […]


Infinite Zoom in MidJourney

There’s a new zoom out feature on MidJourney AI and it’s pretty amazing. From a close up, you can zoom out to give the picture more context, which can tell a rich story. Here’s one that started from a close-up of a dinosaur hatching: It’s especially fascinating to look at it in reverse: If anyone […]


New William-Adolphe Bouguereau Paintings

I love William-Adolphe Bouguereau’s classic painting style and his gorgeous subjects and am excited every time I see a new painting from him. Unfortunately, he hasn’t produced a new painting in a while because he’s been dead for over 100 years. Thanks to artificial intelligence, we can get amazing new Bouguereau paintings in just seconds. […]


New John William Waterhouse Paintings

John William Waterhouse is one of my favorite painters and I always love seeing new paintings from him but unfortunately, he hasn’t produced a new painting in a while because he’s been dead for over 100 years. Thankfully with artificial intelligence, we’re able to get multiple new JWW paintings in seconds. Midjourney is the most […]


What Do You Do When Someone Steals Your Book Idea?

My editor sent me a link to this book: The Inconceivable Life of Quinn Quinn Cutler, the 16-year-old daughter of a writer running for U.S. Congress, is shocked to learn that she’s pregnant: she’s never had sex, at least not as far as she can remember. As word gets out that she’s both pregnant and […]


Keeping Abreast on Things

With the recent announcements that Playboy will stop publishing nude photographs of women, citing that with porn so ubiquitous, nudity has become passé, it’s time to revisit a discussion regarding nudity from the book Everyone Agrees. Keeping Abreast on Things On February 1, 2004, nearly 90 million Americans were shocked when they saw a female […]