
Let My People Rent!

We are in the midst of a dramatic sea change in technological society. Just a few years ago, for services like getting a ride or a night’s stay, we had to rely on bloated, bureaucratic corporations. Now, with technology and the Internet, anyone with a computer can become an entrepreneur in 60 seconds and offer […]


“Experimenter” is a Chilling Must-Watch

There’s a chilling moment in “Experimenter” where Peter Sarsgaard, portraying the revolutionary psychologist Stanley Milgram, speaks to the audience. He explains that there was a time when people could give a fully human response to every situation. But more often now people don’t get to see the whole situation. People carry out small narrow specialized […]


A Libertarian Hippie Catholic’s Take on Laudato Si’

In the latest addition to papal encyclicals, Pope Francis lays out a complex mix of science, politics, and theology that can typically only be found in one of these documents. As the Holy Father writes in Laudato Si’, “The Catholic Church is open to dialogue with philosophical thought; this has enabled her to produce various […]


Cult of the White Lab Coat

For most of human history, society has been subjected to indefensible beliefs—some legitimate, some not—but when the Enlightenment came, many people thought that we as a species were done with superstition, blind faith, and indefensible beliefs. Science will save us from those foolish belief systems! *Plot twist* Much of humanity has crept back into a […]


The Illogic of the Discrimination Police

Indiana’s Religious Freedom and Restoration Act has received an unprecedented amount of criticism recently—from political philosophy heavyweights such as Miley Cyrus and MC Hammer to the omniscient and omnipresent Facebook troll. I’ve been wanting to write about this topic for a while but it has been extremely difficult to wrap my head around people who […]