
Race is Fake

  There is a long, dubious history of people separating humanity into groups based on appearance but it has consistently been arbitrary and illogical. Mostly racial groups are based on phenotypic characteristics (skin, hair, and eye color and head size and shape). The application of this simple classification is pretty obvious, especially when mapped out […]


Racism and Police Brutality: The Real Tragedy

December 3rd, 2014 is a day that will go down in history as one of the most enlightening days ever because that’s when someone finally had the guts and vision to call out America as the brutally racist nation that it is. In his post, “The American Justice System Is Not Broken,”  blogger Albert Burneko […]

Who’s Native?

I recently filled out an application for a public organization and was blown away by one of the first questions. I was shocked at how illogical and inconsistent the options were for this question and was tempted not to answer or to answer it in such a way that would confuse the writers more than […]