
I Don’t Believe in the Constitution because I’m American; I’m American because I Believe in the Constitution
From Gods of Ruin.
From Gods of Ruin.
In an “interview” with The Breakfast Club, presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy answered intense hostility with calm eloquence and gain a lot of followers in the process. In the video, Ramaswamy fielded personal attacks about his character in the guise of questions from a guest host Tezlyn Figaro. She said that Ramaswamy wasn’t a good candidate […]
Thanks to Shara Fryer for having me on KTRH Houston’s Morning Show for this wake up call based on my article on American Thinker entitled “Has the American Experiment Failed?”
In 2010, I released the dystopian novel—Gods of Ruin—set in the near future and though it may seem easy to do, predicting the future—even within 12 years—is a difficult task. For instance, I didn’t predict a widespread pandemic that would usher in a New World totalitarian state. I was still in the frame of the […]
New Whacktus just dropped! Spotify: Apple Music: Rumble/YouTube:
In chess, the pawn can only advance. Pawns can’t backtrack or change course. It’s a perfect analogy for the modern political system. Are you a pawn?
I enjoyed Professor John McWhorter’s lectures on the history of language and was very interested to read what he had to write about the modern social justice burlesque known as anti-racism. He gets some things wrong considering he’s coming from a secular liberal background but the thesis as a whole is right on and it […]
In this fascinating discussion, Jonathan Haidt explores and increasingly divided nation and what we can do to overcome the division. There’s even an unintentional reference to the theory of concurrence from Everyone Agrees:
Netwon Knight decided at one point during the South’s secession from the United States, that he didn’t want to fight their war. Mississippi had seceded primarily over the issue of slavery and Knight didn’t own any slaves. He saw the conflict as poor people fighting for wealthy people and after losing his nephew, decided he’d […]